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Reasons to Go to the Dentist

Many people avoid going to the dentist, whether it's out of fear or an inability to pay. You may get away with not going to the dentist for awhile, but eventually it's likely to catch up to you in the form of dental and oral problems. There are a number of good reasons to see your dentist regularly for cleanings.

Care of your teeth

One of the main reasons to see a dentist regularly is to take care of your teeth. Research has shown that regular cleanings from a dentist do a better job of keeping your teeth healthy and avoiding problems than just regular brushing and flossing alone.

Care of your overall health

Many tooth and mouth problems can lead to larger health problems. Mouth and tooth infections have been linked to a higher risk for heart problems. Also, things such as oral cancer can spread to other areas of your body and become harder to cure if they aren't detected early.

Find problems before they become larger issues

Another good reason to see your dentist regularly is to identify problems before they become larger issues. Many cavities can be detected by your dentist long before they cause you any pain or discomfort, and when they are smaller, they are much easier to take care of. Regular dentist problems can also identify other potential problems, such as oral cancer or severe gum disease.

Doesn't cost that much

One of the reasons people use for avoiding the dentist hoboken is the potential cost. If you have dental insurance, cleanings and preventive care usually are covered 100 percent. And even if you don't have dental insurance, cleanings aren't that expensive, and if you can't afford them, there are places that offer free dental care, such as public health clinics or university dental schools.

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